After Done Eating Just Sneeze Continuously

Q1. For some strange reason, every time my husband finishes eating his dinner, or any other meal, he sneezes continuously. Any idea why?

– Patti, Ohio

There are a couple of possible explanations. While we tend to think about sneezing as being caused by allergies or a cold, there are many other situations that can also cause us to sneeze. Some people sneeze when exposed to bright sunlight, while others sneeze when they pluck their eyebrows. We also sneeze when nerves in the mucous membranes of our nose are stimulated. The sneeze is our body's attempt to rid us of the cause of the irritation; it's a reflexive action beyond our control.

In your husband's case, sneezing can be related to food in two ways. The first is a condition called gustatory rhinitis, in which people sneeze, have a watery nose, or get congested after eating, Any food can trigger symptoms, though the most severe reaction is apparently caused by hot, spicy foods and alcohol. Many cold foods can also trigger a series of sneezes, which in the case of gustatory rhinitis is a neurogenic reflex mechanism (it originates in the nervous system).

Food-related sneezing can also be caused by eating large meals, as sneezing has been attributed to a distended stomach. I would recommend that your husband try to monitor his meals to see whether there are particular foods that cause him to sneeze. If there are, he can avoid them. If not, have him try eating smaller, more frequent meals. If those steps don't help, ask your doctor about medication. Nasal steroids and antihistamine nasal sprays can help with nonallergic rhinitis, either alone or in combination.

Q2. Recently, while dining out, my daughter had a sudden onset of complete nasal congestion and her throat became scratchy and very itchy. We assumed this was an allergic reaction to something in the salad she was eating. We had her drink a lot of water and, obviously, stop eating the salad. The reaction settled down slightly and we started antihistamines as soon as we got home. However, she kept the severe nasal congestion for about four days before it began lessening. We first thought this was an allergic reaction due to its sudden onset, but now we wonder. Your thoughts, please?

— Margaret, North Carolina

Your daughter's reaction could indeed have been caused by something in the salad. An itchy throat is very often part of an allergic reaction to something ingested. However, allergy is not the only possible explanation for the symptoms you've described. Below are some other possibilities:

  • If your daughter has hay fever caused by pollen allergies (nasal, eye, or respiratory symptoms at certain times of year), then she may also react to eating some fresh fruits and vegetables. This type of reaction is described as the "oral allergy syndrome" or "pollen-food allergy syndrome" and it arises from proteins in raw fruits and vegetables that are similar to proteins in pollen, such that the body cannot tell them apart. When susceptible people eat certain fresh foods, they develop itching of the lips, mouth, and throat, although nasal congestion is not typical. These reactions are usually mild and will not occur if the food is cooked.
  • Some people are sensitive to sulfites, which are color-preserving agents added to vinegars, wines, and occasionally to fresh fruits or vegetables to keep them from turning brown. Routine use of large quantities of sulfites in salad bars has been prohibited in this country for some years, but sulfites in smaller quantities are still used, and may have been added to some component of the salad or the dressing. Sulfites most commonly cause increased asthma symptoms in people with asthma, but they can cause throat irritation and nasal symptoms too. Other foods that contain high levels of sulfites include dried fruit (only the kind that is not brown), commercial french fries, and canned sauerkraut – has your daughter ever had problems with any of these?
  • Acid reflux, or stomach acid bubbling up in the esophagus, can cause throat irritation and nasal congestion if it gets high enough to reach the back of the throat. Perhaps a very acidic dressing or another component in the salad caused her to have some acid reflux. This problem can easily be mistaken for an allergic food reaction. She might carry some chewable antacid tablets and try those if she has this kind of reaction again. If the symptoms improve within a few minutes, then acid reflux is a likely explanation.


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